POSITIONING PADS, STRAPS & SANDBAGS Medical positioning straps play an integral role in ensuring precision and eliminating patient injury during surgical procedures. These straps are used to position patients during surgeries or administering anesthetics to make sure that the physicians and anesthesiologists have easy access to surgical sites. Improper positioning of the patient is one of the most common causes of muscle soreness, and even nerve damage and such events can be easily eliminated with the help of patient safety straps. Benefits of Our Medical Positioning Straps We manufacture and supply a wide range of safety straps to suit various medical needs. Every medical strap is specifically engineered
to deliver enhanced convenience and maximum patient safety. • Straps specifically designed for various medical applications • Strong and soft straps for proper safety and easy positioning • Latex-free
O.R. Table Strap w/ vinyl covered padded abdominal panel High strength nylon webbing that is soft and easy to clean. Fully adjustable with double pinch quick release buckles. Size: 96”L x 2”W (5”W abdominal panel), ea Size: 96”L x 2”W (5”W abdominal panel), Package of 4 Rubber OR Table Strap - Amsco Style Size: 96”L x 2”W (5”W ab panel), w/ Metal Buckles, ea Size: 132”L x 2”W (5”W ab panel), w/ Metal Buckles, ea Size: 96”L x 2”W w/ Metal buckles or Hook, ea Size: 132”L x 2”W w/ Metal buckles or Hook, ea
ORA96000500 ORA96000504
ORR96050200 ORR13250200 ORR96000200 ORR13200200
Size: 96”L x 2”W (5”W ab panel), w/ HD Plastic buckles, ea ORP96050200 Size: 132”L x 2”W (5”W ab panel), w/ HD Plastic buckles, ea ORP13250200 Size: 96”L x 2”W w/ HD Plastic cam action buckles, ea ORP96000200 Size: 132”L x 2”W w/ HD Plastic cam action buckles, ea ORP13200200 Disposable padded abdominal panel wrap for all rubber Amsco style OR table straps - Package of 10 ABR140500 O.R. Positioning Straps - Nylon Durable soft nylon strap with hook and loop on the same side. Straps are secured through the rails of the table. Size: 60”L x 2”W, ea ORN60000200 Size: 60”L x 2”W, Package of 4 ORN60000204 Size: 76”L x 2”W, ea ORN76000200 Size: 76”L x 2”W, Package of 4 ORN76000204 Size: 132”L x 2”W, ea ORN13200200
Associated Health Systems Inc.
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