Associated Health Systems Inc 877.457.8012
Getting the most out of every inch is easier thanever with Metro Top-Track® High-Density Storage • Floors are easier to clean. • Utility carts can be rolled into and out of the active aisle. • The guide track on top compensates for uneven floor surfaces and keeps units in alignment. • Mobile units are designed to address medium-duty applications. The weight capacity of a Top-Track mobile unit is 900 lb. (410kg).
METRO STARSYS XD EXTRA DEEP MOBILE SUPPLY CABINET, DOUBLE WIDE Extra Deep (XD) design creates added capacity for increased storage space. The added space accommodates longer items and presents a novel lean two-bin approach for protected supply management. Shelves can be repositioned easily and can be set from horizontal up to a +/- 20 degree angle for (-) supply containment or (+) optimum visibility and accessibility, especially for the upper shelves. All preconfigured units come standard with (8) XD shelves installed at a 20 degree up angle. Available with Clear or Solid Doors. Clear Doors provide visual access without compromising protection of contents. Available in non-locking, key locking, or code locking doors (with key override). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKU: SXRD76MXD2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE CARTS Associated Health Systems can work with your healthcare team to designed custom Code Cart-
sto meet the needs of your facility. Contact us for more information.
Various colours available
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