Innerspace Product Catalog

Evolve Cabinets

Evolve cabinets and casework create a flexible storage system that organizes a hospital’s most supply-intensive departments.

The benefits of Evolve casework applications include lower installation costs, flexibility to reconfigure, and depreciation rates of seven years versus fixed casework’s 31 years. Interiors can be outfitted with the FlexCell system or preconfigured to address the specific storage and supply needs of departments.

Evolve base cabinet

Evolve upper cabinet

Evolve 19.25"d cabinet

Evolve 19.25"d cabinet

Evolve 19.25"d cabinet

Evolve 27.25"d cabinet

Evolve 27.25"d cabinet

Evolve 19.25"d cabinets 26.75"w cabinet The 26.75"-wide, 19.25"-deep, 84"-high includes a counterbalanced roll-top door or solid-front or tempered glass door that can be hinged on the left or the right. Cabinet has a 4"-high toe kick. Exterior dimensions: 26.75"w x 19.25"d x 84"h Cabinet with 6" toe kick is 86"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 80"h Interior configuration:

Evolve 27.25"d cabinets 18.75"w cabinet

Evolve upper and base cabinets Base cabinet

The 18.75"-wide, 27.25"-deep, 84"-high includes a counterbalanced roll-top door or solid-front or tempered glass door that can be hinged on the left or the right. Cabinet has a 4"-high toe kick. Exterior dimensions: 18.75"w x 27.25"d x 84"h Cabinet with 6" toe kick is 86"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 80"h Interior configuration:

The 34.5"-high base cabinet comes in 3 widths and 2 depths. Cabinet has a lockable solid-front or roll-top door and 4"-high toe kick. Order countertop separately. Exterior dimensions: 18.75"w x 27.25"d x 34.5"h 26.75"w x 19.25"d x 34.5"h 36"w x 27.25"d x 34.5"h Cabinet with 6"h toe kick is 36.5"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 30.5"h Interior configuration: 18 FlexCells, 36 in cabinet with center column (hinged door) 15 FlexCells, 30 in cabinet with center column (roll-top door) 36"-wide cabinet available with or without center column Upper cabinet This 13"-deep, 30"-high upper cabinet comes in 3 widths and has 1 adjustable full-width shelf. Door options include tempered glass or solid-front doors. Exterior dimensions:

50 FlexCells (hinged door) 45 FlexCells (roll-top door)

50 FlexCells (hinged door) 45 FlexCells (roll-top door)

36"w cabinet The 36"-wide, 84"-high cabinet is available with no center column. Door choices include a counterbalanced roll-top door or solid-front or tempered glass doors. Cabinet has a 4"-high toe kick. Exterior dimensions: 36"w x 19.25"d x 84"h Cabinet with 6" toe kick is 86"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 80"h Interior configuration:

36"w cabinet The 36"-wide, 84"-high cabinet is available with center column, no center column, or split center column. Door choices include a counterbalanced roll-top door or solid- front or tempered glass doors. Cabinet has a 4"-high toe kick. Exterior dimensions: 36"w x 27.25"d x 84"h Cabinet with 6" toe kick is 86"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 80"h Interior configuration: 50 FlexCells, 100 in cabinet with center column (hinged door) 45 FlexCells, 90 in cabinet with center column (roll-top door) Evolve cabinets options Sloped top Keyed or keyless locks 6" toe kick or no toe kick Variety of interior accessories

18.75"w x 13"d x 30"h 26.75"w x 13"d x 30"h 36"w x 13"d x 30"h

50 FlexCells (hinged door) 45 FlexCells (roll-top door)

40"w cabinet The 40”-wide, 19.25”-deep, 84”-high cabinet includes a wide and narrow compartment. Door choices include solid-front or tempered glass doors. Cabinet has a 4"-high toe kick. Exterior dimensions: 40"w x 19.25"d x 84"h Cabinet with 6" toe kick is 86"h; cabinet with no toe kick is 80"h Interior configuration: 50 FlexCells per compartment, 100 total

Interior configuration:

Shelf adjusts in 1.25" increments

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